Everything about good taste. And responsibility.

This marks the release of a follow-up video in the Fashion Days campaign, titled "FASHION DAYS - Everything about good taste. And responsibility.", featuring the same captivating soundtrack we composed for the initial TV commercial.

The positive reception and widespread acclaim from social media inspired us to create an alternative version of the score, adding a unique dimension to the campaign's musical experience. In this new video, the music continues to play a pivotal role, enhancing the campaign's message and maintaining its resonance with the audience. As an added treat, the alternative score provides a fresh perspective, enriching the overall viewing experience. We are thrilled to unveil this next chapter, and we sincerely hope it resonates just as strongly with our audience.

To top it off, we're excited to share that the campaign has been honored with a prestigious Golden Effie, underscoring the collective impact of the music and video production in capturing the audience's attention and achieving recognition.